Hire A Virtual Assistant Today To Help You Boost Your Direct Sales Business OnlineYou are working hard to grow your direct sales or network marketing business by actively selling the products and, or looking for others to join you in your business. You've been to every vendor fair. You've made customers of all your friends, family, neighbors and associates. You've done mailings and advertisements. You've networked at local business events. Now what? Hire a Virtual Assistant and reach a whole new market - ONLINE! If you think that direct sellers or network marketers need to see their customers face to face or be close geographically - you're so very wrong. There is a whole new market waiting to find your business, see what you have to offer, purchase from you, become your customer for life or start their own business with you. It is crucial that you consider the online community a very real and very large market for your business. Not sure how to find and reach these folks? Your Virtual Assistant knows how! Virtual Assistants (VAs) are independent entrepreneurs who handle administrative and online marketing tasks for small business owners. They are a vital resource in expanding your direct sales business to include an online presence and reach the online market. Many other small online business owners have discovered the benefits of hiring a VA but many consultants within the direct sales and network marketing industry have yet to learn the true value of out sourcing or may never even heard of a Virtual Assistant. When marketing online the first thing you need is a website. Your Direct Sales company may provide one for you - that's great. But what is even better is utilizing a VA to create your very own website, which you can link to your Direct Sales company site. By doing this, your VA can then optimize it to have a high search engine ranking so when someone search for "your products" or the company you're with - they find YOU. Your Virtual Assistant can also set up a form on your website to capture visitors' contact information. With this information, your VA can send monthly or weekly eNewsletters to your prospects and customers so they are consistently reminded of you and your products. This is much cheaper and less time consuming than direct mailings. Additionally, your website can have a form for interested prospects to ask you questions, request a catalog or business information. And guess what else - your Virtual Assistant can answer your e-mails and mail out the catalogs or information packages for you. There is an unlimited number of ways a VA can help you create an online presence. She can guide you to online networking forums. She can write and/or submit articles on your behalf to increase your online presence and help you to gain recognition as the person to go to for your company's products. What's more - a VA can handle your administrative things that are unrelated to the online world. A VA can take care of your book keeping and accounting. A VA can provide customer service to your clients. A VA can prepare training and motivational materials for your team members. A VA can manage your customer and or prospect database. A VA can prepare your business cards and brochures. And the list goes on. and on. and on. Hiring a VA means that you can focus more on the business building activities that you enjoy or excel in. This in turn will increase your income and your sponsoring results. Doesn't it make sense to contact a Virtual Assistant today?. Melody Thacker loves her profession and is very proud to represent Watkins as an independent associate. She markets online with several web sites including AssociateMelody.com and Melody's WatkinsOnline Store
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